
sábado, 11 de junho de 2011

Knowing Memphis


            Memphis is the largest and more important city of the Tennessee state, but the capital of the state is Nashiville, famous for the rodeo parties and for the country musicy.

Memphis is the reference center for being Elvis Presley's city; for having one of the best ophthalmology centers of the world and for having St. Jude, the best hospital of the world than it takes care of children with cancer and leukemia without collecting anything. It is also there that is the famous hotel Peabody.
           We arrived there in the summer, very hot! The city covered with green and flowers. Tulips of every color of the flower beds bloomed  streets and avenues.
There are not slums, nor wanderers, nor beggars in the streets. Everything very clean. The people are educated. Children are only seen in shoppings, museums, zoo, or leisure places. There children are not in the streets.

Bridge on the mississippi
           Memphis is taken a bath by the Mississippi river, one of the most important rivers of United States, so much for the volume of water, as for the tourism, leisure, fishing and navigation. There are still the famous flotation snack bars, always full.
We cannot forget about the planetarium and of the paleontological museum, with many fossils of prehistoric animals.
In the entrance of the museum there is a great response of a dinosaur. You place a coin of 25 cents and it moves and roars. It is impressive!


 1) O texto afirma que Memphis:                                                                              
    (  ) é a maior e mais importante cidade do Tennessee.
    (  ) é a capital do Tennessee.
    (  ) Neshiville é maior que Memphis.

  2) Indique duas razões que tornaram Neshiville famosa:
   (  ) is the capital of the rodeo
   (  ) is capital of Tennessee
   (  ) is the cradle of country music

Flotation snack bar

3) Assinale as   alternativas que se referem a Memphis:
   (  ) It's the Elvis' city.
   (  ) It is there the world's best hospital for children with cancer.
   (  ) It's there the famous Peabody Hotel.

4) O autor afirma que as tulipas floriam os canteiros das ruas e avenidas e a cidade estava coberta de verde. Em que estação do ano ele presenciou isso?
   (  ) primavera         (  ) outono             (  ) verão

  5) Relacione o que o autor não viu em Memphis, à tradução em português:  
   a - slums                           (   ) andarilhos
   b - wanderers                   (   ) pedintes
   c - beggars                       (   ) favelas

6) Escreva nos espaços os lugares em que precisamos ir para ver crianças em Memphis:
    __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ , __ __ __ __ __ __ __ , __ __ __

7) Indique as palavras em inglês que mostram a importância do rio Mississippi:
Mississippi River
  a - turismo  ______________
  b - lazer  ________________
  c - pesca    ______________
 d - navegação ____________                      

8) O que seriam as famosas "flotation snak bars"?
   (  ) Bares que só abrem à noite.
   (  ) Lanchonetes flutuantes.
   (  ) Estação dos bares.

9) Em "you place a coin and it moves and roars", entendemos:
   (  ) você põe uma moeda e ele se move e brame.
   (  ) você põe uma moeda e ele se move e vai para a rua.
   (  ) você põe uma moeda e ele se move e roda.

GRACELAND–(The Elvis ' House)

            The great house of the family of Elvis Aron Presley (08/01/1935–16/081977) became a museum. There we found clothes and objects that were part of his history. You pay 7 dollars to enter and to see everything that he left. But it had a problem: it was prohibited to photograph or to film in the internal part of the museum.
             Inside of the house everything is like he left: the room of games, the living room with a waterfall, his TV and his famous golden piano. In large hangar in the back of the mansion are the clothes, disks of gold, of platinum, trophies, Priscilla Presley's wedding gown, and much more.
     On the other side of the street, with access free to all the people, are their airplanes, the famous Pink Cadillc with which Elvis starred several films. There is also a projection room where his films are exhibited during all the day. Countless stores sell objects of all the types and clothes with his images are printed.
      To be stepping that ground was until then a dream impossible. To see all that before the eyes is an indescribable emotion. The own name already says: “Graceland!” (Earth of the Grace!) After all, he is the King. The King of the Rock!
The Elvis’s body is buried deep in his house, beside the father, of the mother and of a brother.


1) "Graceland" quer dizer:     
(  ) Terra de Elvis.     (  ) Terra de todos.         (  ) Terra da Graça.

2) Filmar e fotografar dentro do museu era:                             
    (  ) permitido
    (  ) proibido
    (  ) liberado

David an I - Elvis' House
3) O que tem dentro da sala de
 estar que mais chama a atenção?        
   (  ) Um mini campo.                            
   (  ) Um mini parque.                                                                        
   (  ) Uma mini cachoeira.

4) O texto diz que seu famoso piano é:                                            
   (  ) dourado
   (  ) valioso
   (  ) pesado

5) O que há de Priscilla Presley no museu, segundo o texto?
   (  ) asas de anjo
   (  ) vestido de noiva
   (  ) alianças de noivado

6) O acesso das pessoas é livre nas exposições do outro lado da rua.
     Qual das frases abaixo expressa esta afirmação?
   (  ) other side of the street
   (  ) are their airplane
   (  ) free to all the people

7) Escreva nos espaços abaixo qual dos seus carros famosos está exposto, segundo o texto.
   __ __ __ __ - __ __ __ __ __ __ __ 


The dock"s show!
          The Peabody Hotel is a show. It is the hotel of the ducks. It is always full, mainly in the morning at the 11 o’clock, in the lunchtime. At this time, an employee of the hotel puts a long red rug that leaves the door of the elevator and it crosses the whole extension of the restaurant going to a fountain. When the clock beats 11 o'cloch, the elevator opens up,
the ducks come out of there from within, they pass elegantly on the rug and they are going until the fountain, where they swim the rest of the day. At the 5 p.m. the turn ritual repeats. The people applaud, and the owner of  the hotel makes a lot of money, of course!


The ducks' show
It's wonderful!

1) Peabody Hotel é famoso:                                    
   (  ) because of their rooms.    
   (  ) because of the ducks.
   (  ) because it's near the Mississippi river

2) Relacione as palavras em inglês aos seus significados em português:
  a - mainly               (   ) hora do almoço                             
  b - morning            (   ) manhã
  c - lunchtime          (   ) principalmente
  d -at this time         (   ) tapete
  e - employee          (   ) empregado
  f - rug                    (   )  nesta hora
  g - elevator            (   ) chafariz
  h - fountain            (   ) elevador


3) O que os patos fazem às 17h e às 11h, respectivamente?
  (  ) Saem do elevador e vão ao chafariz. Saem do chafariz e voltam ao elevador.
  (  ) Saem do chafariz e vão ao elevador. Saem do elevador e vão ao chafariz.
  (  ) Entram no elevador e vão ao chafariz. Entram no charafiz e não vão ao elevador.
4) Que frase descreve melhor o dono do hotel em relação aos patos?
  (  ) He is very happy.
  (  ) He makes a lot of money.
  (  ) He thanks the customers.